The past 2 months has been a whirlwind of show homes, late nights, and that oh so familiar drive to Calgary. When I think back on our fall I can't believe how busy we were! Just last night Garth and I were talking and we realized that we have only had two weekends at home since we moved back to Lethbridge at the beginning of September.
We attend the "Parade of Homes" every fall. Basically, there are lots and lots of show homes open all over Lethbridge all evening for about 2 weeks. The homes we see are anywhere from $200,000 to 1.4 million. The reason we like it so much is because we don't have a house yet and I feel like we have a much better idea of what we do want in our future house as we see things we love or don't love. We are so excited to buy our first home together in the upcoming years!
Aunt Jessica came along one day, which Grant loved! |
We would seriously go and look at show homes for 3 hours, almost everyday and Grant did not even cry once. He just sat there happily in our arms as we lugged him around. He would even fall asleep in our arms. I can't believe how easy going he is.
Our Fall season has lasted such a long time this year, and it has been fantastic! We enjoy going for walks, out shopping and watching high school football games.
I look like Voldemort in this pic (no nose) but Grant looks adorable in his "Churchill" jersey! |

At the beginning of the summer when we first moved to Edmonton, Garth's manager, Tim and his fiance, Eleni, hired me to sing at their wedding in September! Over the summer, we became great friends, so it made this day even more exciting!! Their wedding was perfect, it was a dream location and they were such a stunning couple. Apparently it used to be someones house and he sold it and it was turned into a hotel. I had the opportunity to sing "A Thousand Years" as the wedding party walked down the aisle, and then I also got to play a 90 minute set during their cocktail hour. It was the most fun I have had in a long time, I just love singing and playing more than anything and I am excited now that Grant is a little bit older, I can start focusing on that a bit more. I am so happy for Tim and Eleni, I have grown to love them so much in the short time I have known them, they are some of the nicest people I have known, such a remarkable couple and obviously head over heels in love with each other! I am excited to spend more summers with them.
The Azridge Boutique Hotel in Priddis, AB |
Good Grief, could they be more perfect??? |
A Fairytale Wedding
At the beginning of October, Garth had the opportunity to go down to Mexico with his work and build houses. I can't write much about it because I wasn't there, but the stories and experiences he shared were amazing. Maybe I will get him to write about it sometime.
Dropping Garth off at the airport was 3 in the morning! haha I got home around 6:30 am and was just about to fall asleep when I heard crying from the other room. I knew it was going to be a longggg day haha.
Goodnight world! |
Jokes. |
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