Friday, 22 November 2013

One Hecka Crazy Night!

On November 2, we had the opportunity to attend the Vivint Year End Party in Calgary. We always look forward for this chance to celebrate Garth's hard work during the summer and see all our friends again! 

Garth collecting his prize locker
The party consists of a cocktail hour, candy bar, award show and a "Deal Or No Deal" game. Last year it was so fun watching people go up and either win big prizes, or completely blow it. This year they handed out wristbands with different designs, and displayed them on the screen, so the people with those wristbands got to go up for the chance to play. Looking around at everyone else's, we realized that we all had the same generic bands and didn't have a chance of being called up but we were happy to sit and watch. After everyone had played they still had boxes left and decided to pick more people using the wristbands. Garth then proceeded to yell "THE WRISTBANDS SUCK! USE THE BOWL!"

(Earlier in the night before the party, those who arrived earlier for trainings entered their names in for a chance to win a trip. We obviously didn't win, so we knew our names would still be sitting in that bowl.)

So, because my husband is insanely loud and persuasive, they went with the bowl. And sure enough, what name did they draw? Garth Forsyth. So he went up there, beat out another guy with an entertaining game of "Hunter, Hooker, Bear" and then decided on Box 9. The Banker offered the deal of $1500 and IPOD touches for everyone in our row (so basically, all our friends from work at the party). Garth started yelling at me asking what he should do and I just started yelling "Take the deal! The deal!" He took the deal and came back $1500 richer just like that. What a crazy night! Oh and if you are wondering what was in the box that he passed up, it was 1 dollar.....!!! So we did well. 

Vivint is still really surreal to me because of all the crazy prizes they give away. People walked away with loads of cash, trips, entertainment systems etc, it just so happened that we were lucky this time around.

All of that was so crazy cool, but most importantly I just feel so blessed for Garth's job. I know how blessed he is to have not only a job, but a job that can get him through school debt free, a job that gives me the freedom to be a stay at home mom and work on my music, and a job that he LOVES. We are so blessed.

We had such a fun time together and I am so grateful for all his hard work during the summer. He deserved this crazy night!

OH AND SIDENOTE....  As if the night couldn't get crazier, Garth surprised my with my Christmas present a little early this year... We are going on a Cruise in January! Second Honeymoon here we come ;)


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