This little guy is 3 months old!
Here is a bit of an update on Grant:

- At 11 weeks he weighed in at 14 lbs 12 ½ oz
- 24 inches long
- Head circumference: 42 cm
- Wears size 2 diapers (probably only for one more week)

- Grant cooes and smiles all the time now. He also loves to squeal.

- The nurses at the doctors office were surprised at how vocal he is. Every morning when he wakes up, we get to hear all about his dreams, stories, feelings etc. He goes strong for a good 20 minutes straight. It is my favourite.
- Grant got his 2 month immunizations. I was really not looking forward to it, but he did so good. More on that later.
- He usually eats about every 3 hours during the day, right now he is going through his 3 month growth spurt and is often hungry every 2 hours..!

- Usually only wakes up once to eat in the night, and can go on a 6 hour stretch in between eating.
- Is officially out of his bassinet and sleeping in his playpen (no crib for now.. once we move back home)
- On June 1st, (almost 10 weeks old) Grant went swimming for the first time. He was fascinated by it. We swam around for a good 45 minutes, and he loved it! I am excited for a lot more swimming this summer once it stops raining outside!
-He holds his hands together and makes a giggling sound when he is hungry, almost like he is excited to eat. In fact, he is often clasping his hands together, and it is very funny to see him looking so proper.
- Grant loves to play shy.
Sometimes when people are talking to him he will turn away and smile coyly. It is so cute!
- Grant holds his head up really well now while he is on his
stomach, He even tries to roll over and has succeeded once. I was definitely not expecting it and neither was he!
- When Garth comes home from work, every day, without fail, Grant gives him the biggest grin ever.
- When Garth comes home from work, every day, without fail, Grant gives him the biggest grin ever.
Not as startled by loud noises anymore but still hates other babies crying and people whistling.
When he wakes up in his swaddle blanket he
starts wrestling and kicking his legs up in the air, he looks like a dolphin or a seal trying to swim. Hilarious.
I give him baths every night now, it is my favourite part of the day. He loves the
water, and afterwards he will lie on his change table, sometimes even do tummy time while I massage/lotion him up and put on his pjs. I then like to brush his hair and sing/read to him before bed.
- He had some minor cradle cap and it is now 99% gone.
- He loves it when I play the guitar now. He just sits there listening and even sings(squeals) along.
- He now loves looking at himself in the mirror.
- Hates being held like a baby more than anything, he is even tired of sitting. When he is on my lap he wants to stand and bounce.

- Still not sitting up by himself yet, always slouches to one side in his "bumbo" seat.
- You always know when he is about to cry because he has this cute pouty lip that he pushes out. It would break my heart if it wasn't the cutest thing I've ever seen.
- At 9 weeks old, he found his right hand. Anytime you put him on his back, he would hold it up and stare at it.
- At 10 weeks he started realizing he could control his arm, which resulted in him punching himself in the face numerous times.
- At 11 weeks he started grabbing and sticking everything in his mouth that he could get ahold of, especially his hand. He is getting really bored playing with his jungle play mat because he easily gets ahold of the animals and pulls them off.
- At 12 weeks, he started opening up his fist into an open hand, he also found his left fist.
- He had some minor cradle cap and it is now 99% gone.
- He loves it when I play the guitar now. He just sits there listening and even sings(squeals) along.
- He now loves looking at himself in the mirror.
- Hates being held like a baby more than anything, he is even tired of sitting. When he is on my lap he wants to stand and bounce.

- Still not sitting up by himself yet, always slouches to one side in his "bumbo" seat.
- You always know when he is about to cry because he has this cute pouty lip that he pushes out. It would break my heart if it wasn't the cutest thing I've ever seen.
- At 9 weeks old, he found his right hand. Anytime you put him on his back, he would hold it up and stare at it.
- At 10 weeks he started realizing he could control his arm, which resulted in him punching himself in the face numerous times.
- At 11 weeks he started grabbing and sticking everything in his mouth that he could get ahold of, especially his hand. He is getting really bored playing with his jungle play mat because he easily gets ahold of the animals and pulls them off.
- At 12 weeks, he started opening up his fist into an open hand, he also found his left fist.
Overall, I think he is enjoying life pretty well.
Oh,I miss him! He is going to be so big when you guys come home.