I feel like June flew by way faster than May. I honestly feel like I blinked and all the sudden it was July. Here are a couple of experiences we had this month!
On June 1st, Grant went swimming for the first time! Nathan and the kids invited us to go swimming at their ward activity and it was so great. Although I don't have a picture of that day, you will just have to take my word for it, Grant loved it! He was so fascinated and just stared wideeyed as we swirled around in the water for a good 45 minutes. As soon as we got home he zonked out on my bed for a good 4 hours.
The next week, Cynthia and Charlie came to visit! It was so fun getting to see Charlie, who is four months older than Grant, and see the two of them together. We had a sister-in-law sushi date with Deb and then later went to the park.
That weekend, Jocelyn and Jessica came to visit! I always love having visitors and we had such a good time, talking about Jessica's trip to Japan and watching the hilarious karaoke videos that she took. She was even sweet enough to bring us back some little gifts. It made me feel so nostalgic I wanted to hop on a plane and go visit again myself.

This month Grant had to get his 2 month immunizations. Because I was dreading it, I booked it early in the morning so Garth could come with us. Turns out that was the definitely the best time to do it! After he was weighed and assessed, we went into the room and I sat down on a chair and held him in my lap. I had such a knot in my stomach because I was strongly dreading his reaction. When they gave him the three different shots he started to cry, (I almost did, but I didn't), and then as soon as she was done he calmed down and fell asleep. I was so relieved, we took him home and he fell asleep on my bed for 4 hours straight. I felt silly for being worried about it at all, but I know I will be again for the next one. Especially because at his next immunizations, I have to get a tetanus shot as well. ughhhfdgdh. I hate needles.

On June 15th my mom and 3 sisters came up to Edmonton for a much anticipated concert! My favorite band, The Maine, teamed up with my other favorite band, Brighten, who's lead singer is also a member of the other band, A Rocket to the Moon who also teamed up with the band, This Century to create the 8123 tour. I was so excited to see these 4 bands in concert for lots of reasons. Mainly, I love their music of course, The Maine and Brighten just came it out with a new album and just before this concert, a Rocket to the Moon announced their split once the tour came to a close. My sisters also wanted to attend and my mom babysat. It was my first time away from Grant for more than 3 hours! It was such an amazing show, I spent way too much money on merch and Garth even joined for the last 2 sets after work! Afterwards, we got to meet Brighten, A Rocket to the Moon and John O from The Maine (again). This was my third time seeing the The Maine live, and it was by far their best!!

Brighten/A Rocket to the Moon |
First time seeing them in 2009 |
Third time seeing them in 2013 |
This June was very special at our house because we got to celebrate Garth's first Father's Day. I wanted to make it memorable for him so I printed out a banner and made a gift basket with "tie" tags, a mug with Grant on it, some shirts, his favorite candy and pictures of Grant dressed up like Daddy in his work get up. They turned out better than I could have hoped! I love getting to celebrate Garth as a father because it has been so amazing watching my boys together. They both adore each other and are so sweet. I feel so blessed to have married such an amazing man and have such a fantastic father for my kids!
June was a rainy rainy month but near the end we got to see some sun! We enjoy spending our afternoons at the spray park with Michelle, her boys and all the other vivint wives/kids.
Every year, Vivint gives us many opportunities to do service. Not only do we have the options of donating sales to different charities, we also have Charity days! On June 29th the wives decided we would go serve at a Seniors Center. It was so fun, we brought our babies and our puppies along to play with them, we brought yummy treats and I also brought my guitar along and accompanied them as some of them sang "You are my Sunshine." That alone made my day :)
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