So I have been extremely bad at blogging. But I have an excuse!
My computer was so old, slow and full of pictures that I hadn't been able to upload any of my pictures since March...until now!
I thought about ditching my blog, but then I realized how much I love keeping record of what goes on in our wonderful life. Plus I have started to notice that life isn't as hard as it used to be and I am seeing glimmers of free time on my horizon. I plan on using those to get back to doing those things that I loved so, creating and blogging.
So lets start from where we left off shall we??
When I think back on March, I honestly can't even understand how we did everything that we did. We had a lot of downtime to play in the unusually warm weather, and cuddle (Grant sure loves his cuddling), but we were also totally on the go visiting Calgary, taking the boys to swimming lessons, planning Grant's birthday, planning Grant's party, Easter activities... so much fun in one month!
We went to DQ for an FHE treat and the boys refused to eat their ice cream. Weirdos.
Garth and I can't find a single gym in Lethbridge that fits all our needs. It is literally the worst thing in the world and I hate this city for it. The first problem is childcare. There is ONE gym with childcare. And it is GHETTO. And because we move away for the summers we would either have to still pay for the 5 months we were gone (under contract) OR pay like $80/month while we were there.... for garbage. So our very best alternative is the U of L gym. It is nice, cheap, has everything I need for my exercise program, but no childcare. So randomly we will get a babysitter so we can go to the gym together. We cursed Lethbridge everyday and couldn't wait to move in the summer so we can start working out together everyday again.
The boys finished their swimming lessons. Grant has always been my water baby and I found that the class was a little to boring for him. He would way rather go down the big slide then sing songs in a circle.

Asher had a rocky start, he cried through the first 2 lessons and every lesson he pretty much shivered the whole time while I watched his lips turn blue. The poor kid is just like his mom, we couldn't wait to get in the kiddle pool to warm up. I am so glad we put him in because he really needs to get more comfortable with the water!
These boys love watching hockey, after their swimming lessons.
We spent a week in Calgary for Easter and Grant's birthday party (I will blog about both of those next!) Because we were there for so long, we had lots of downtime with family, time to shop, we went to the zoo and to a concert!
My favorite thing to do is go to Nordstrom and try on all of their beautiful, expensive dresses. Don't worry I have every intention of buying a few years. I love that Garth loves to take me there and watch me try on dress after dress. He really is the best and I know it.
We got to go to the Death Cab for Cutie/Metric concert and I am not joking, it was unbelievable, so far it is in my top 2! We have been listening to both of these bands for awhile now so the fact that we got to listen to them both is one night was unreal.
I will never be able to explain the feeling when Death Cab played our favorite song. It was super unexpected and there were definitely tears.
A visit to Calgary would be incomplete if we didn't see Aunt Jaymee!
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