This year, we spent Christmas Eve with our Forsyth Family at Chrystal and Eric's house. We had our traditional Mexican dinner which we always look forward to, and then spent the night talking and chatting while all the cousins played together. We barely saw Grant all night he was having too much fun.
All the younger kids acted out the Nativity scene which is a gong show as always. This year Grant was a sheep...doubling as an angel haha. Lat Christmas in Calgary he was baby Jesus so it's weird to think about how much he has changed in a year. (Even though he was a huge Baby Jesus at the time... see here)
Most of these pictures were stolen from Colin and Rex Forsyth off of Facebook because I barely took any pictures.
Kathryn made headbands for all us girls which was so sweet and as you can see she's obviously really talented!
We did manage to take our yearly Christmas selfie...which is super important!
We might have took more than one...
I like this picture because there is so much weirdness going on and it is unknowingly my last belly picture of my pregnancy...
After we went home, Garth and I had an awesome Christmas Eve together. We were woken up bright and early by Grant on Christmas Morning and had so much fun watching Grant dig through his stocking, eat his "teetz" (treats), open his presents and play with his toys.
His Broncos football and new toothbrush proved to be his favorite stocking stuffers haha.
Grant had an awesome Christmas! He received so many new books, a car track, basketball hoop, bath toys, clothes, hat, shoes, train set, legos, and a drum...among other things. I was unable to take a picture, like I did last year because in the middle of opening presents I went into labor. But that's a different story for a different post :)
Even though we weren't able to spend this Christmas as a family, I was very comforted in knowing that Grant was having a fun time at Grandma and Grandpa's and he was taken care of by everyone.