September was a dream.
We moved back to our old place in Lethbridge and Garth is finishing up his 4 year Economics/Kinesiology Degree. Once he graduates, he plans to go on and get his Bachelor of Education. He only has 3 classes left to graduate so between his lighter school load and his time off work, Grant and I have been loving our quality time with him.
Grant definitely needed some alone time with his dad so Garth would often take him out for an afternoon or morning just the two of them.
September in Lethbridge was warmer than August was in Edmonton. We got to continue our summer down here hanging out with family.
We went out to our first football game of the season, dressed up in Churchill blue and orange of course! Grant loved it and would clap every time people started cheering. We ran into cousin Maren while we were there, so Grant had a friend to play with.
We plan on buying a new couch this fall and so we have spent a good chunk of time at furniture stores, trying to figure out exactly what we want. We also need a new dresser, chair and a "big boy" bed in Grant's room. While we were out browsing, Grant found his favorite spot and didn't want to leave.
Just like every other year, we enjoyed going to the Parade of Homes. We didn't go to as many show homes as we would have liked because it is a lot harder with a walking toddler, but over the next couple years we will probably put some more serious effort into going when we are actually seriously looking.
Garth also planned some really fun at home date nights with printed out movie tickets, snacks, beverages etc. One night we played the Newlywed Game where we had to sit back to back and answer questions about each other as well as guess what the other person wrote. We seriously played for hours and the questions were so hard. It was so much fun, and I really want to do it again.
We drove to Calgary one weekend and spent the day at Ikea (furniture shopping of course) and then that night my mom watched Grant so we could go to a Peter Katz concert. We hadn't seen him play in over a year so it was nice getting to talk to him and of course watch him in action. He played a lot of songs off his new record which I am excited for.
Unfortunately we didn't remember to take a picture before it got dark out and the flash doesn't work in selfie mode, so this was the best picture we could get. I am so glad we took one though because it is a good reminder of one of the best nights I have had in a long time. When I see this picture I see downtown Calgary, Peter Katz, delicious poutine, reeses pieces and of course crazy car dancing to Sia.
We have had this leather ottoman in our living room since we were first married, Garth bought it for his room when he was a single bachelor haha. Unfortunately it was ripped and it has bothered me for years. Before we left for the summer Grant would try to rip out the foam and eat it. When we first moved back this month I decided I couldn't take it anymore and we needed to do something about it. I told Garth I wanted to cover it and that day we went out, bought some awesome fabric, a staple gun, and went to town. Neither of us have ever refinished anything so it was a fun learning project and I loved how it turned out. That is one thing I love about Garth, he gets things done, and if he doesn't know how to, he will learn. So talented. I should have complained about it years ago haha!
Grant went on his first "bikeride." His cousin Porter lent him his old bike and helmet so it was been fun getting him comfortable around a bike. There are no pedals so he just grabs onto the handles and wobbles forward. It is seriously so cute.
I have had a busy month preparing for my album release in November. The masters are all ready and now the artwork is complete. I am literally just waiting for all the copies to be sent to my house. I am beyond excited to see/listen to the finished product and share it with everyone.
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