One of my favorite traditions of the Forsyth family is Christmas Tree Hunting! We have done it every year since we have been married. It is so fun driving out to the mountains, skimming through hundreds of trees just to find the perfect one. Since this is our Third Christmas together, it was MY third time participating. First, here are some pictures from the first two years:
This year we were extra excited to go because our new place has really tall ceilings and we knew our Christmas tree was going to be ridiculous this year.
Getting bundled up to go out and find our tree! |
After hiking around in the snow for awhile (It is quite the workout when you are carrying 18 lbs of deadweight while hurdling through snow that is up to your knees) we finally found our perfect tree!
So excited we found it! |
Grant was so tired he fell asleep while we were walking. |
Our Christmas Tree all tied up and ready to come home with a loving family haha |
Afterwards, we all sat by the fire roasting hotdogs and some of us went tobogganing.
When we got home and got it through the front door, we spent the whole evening decorating while we watched "National Lapoon's Christmas Vacation." It was quite comical because we felt like everything that was happening in the movie was happening to us that day. Garth even fell off the ladder haha.
I can't wait to decorate the rest of our house!